Nothing’s Better than a picnic
An Extra Hour
$50 per hour added
Bluetooth Speaker
Visit our “Photographer” tab on the top left for information and pricing
Tee Pee Tent
Mini Balloon Columns with Small Numbers
Board Games
-Connect 4 $5
-Jenga $5
-Twister $10
-Uno $5
-Candy Land $5
-Mancala $5
-Hedbanz $10
Is there a game you don’t see? Reach out to us!
Chocolate Fondue
One ceramic chocolate melter
With strawberries
With a board or cupcake stand
Includes: Strawberries, Blueberries, Red or Green grapes, Marshmallows, Pretzels, Graham crackers
Add additional melters
Photo Board
16 pictures are Required for this photo board
Large Connect 4
Just a Board
Includes: Strawberries, Blueberries, Red or Green grapes, Marshmallows, Pretzels, Graham crackers
9 Foot Beach Umbrella